Are There Lets In Pickleball? Clearing Up the Confusion

Are There Lets In Pickleball?

If you are new to the world of Pickleball, you may have heard about pickleball “lets” and be wondering what they are all about. Perhaps you’ve been watching some experienced players on the court and noticed that they refer to these mysterious “lets”. In this blog post, we will explore what a let is in Pickleball and how it should be used so that everyone playing can enjoy the game without relying on referees for every single call.

Are There Lets In Pickleball?

The simple answer is No! In the latest official pickleball rulebook, there is no mention of “lets”, but if you have watched pickleball players in action, you may have heard them call out a “let” during a game.

What is a Let?

What is a Let?

A let is a voluntary interruption of play that acknowledges a hindrance to the opponent during the game. This can be anything from interference with a player’s shot to a distraction such as outside noise. A let shows respect and sportsmanship between opponents, allowing the game to be resumed without an argument.

What are pickleball lets and why are they used?

A let is considered a courtesy and an unspoken rule of pickleball etiquette. A let is when one player stops the game and requests that the point be replayed. This usually happens when a player feels that they were hindered in some way during the game. It can be called if there is something to distract or interrupt a player, like an outside noise or another player’s movement. The requested let is then granted by the other player, and the point is replayed.

Although pickleball lets are not included in the official rulebook, they are widely accepted and used by experienced players to maintain respect and fair play on the court. Players may also choose to call a let if they feel that another player has committed an infraction, such as a foot fault or double-hitting the ball.

When playing with someone new, it is always good to explain the concept of let and how it can be used to ensure the game is fair and enjoyable for everyone. It is important that both players are aware of when a let could be called and understand why it is necessary.

Apart from the term, “let”, there are other pickleball terms that you should familiarize yourself with. Here are some of the most common pickle terms for beginners:

Pickleball Terms For Beginners
  • Volley: A shot hit before the ball bounces, usually in an attempt to keep it away from the net.
  • Drive: A forceful shot hit from the baseline that goes directly over the net.
  • Service: The act of hitting a ball over the net to start a point.
  • Dink: A short, soft shot hit close to the net that is intended to drop just over the net.
  • Lob: A high-arching shot that is used to hit the ball over an opponent’s head.
  • Spike: Spike is not commonly used. However, you can hit the ball forcefully and aggressively in pickleball, similar to a spike in volleyball.

Comparing the 2020 and 2021 pickleball let rules

In 2020, a let occurs when the serve hits the net and lands in the correct service court. If this happens, the serving player may call a let and have the point replayed. This rule was changed slightly in 2021 to allow a let if the serve grazes the net before landing in court. However, if the serve hits the net and lands out of bounds, it will still be considered a fault and the point will not be replayed.

Why Was The Let Service Rule Changed In Pickleball?

The main reason for the change in the pickleball let service rule was that many players were calling lets too often. This caused a lot of confusion and disruption to the game as play would stop while each point was debated. The new rule seeks to create more clarity so that there is less arguing over whether or not a let should be called.
The change also seeks to prevent players from taking advantage of the let rule by calling lets whenever their shot goes out of bounds. Now, players must be sure that their serve grazed the net and landed in court before they call a let, or else it will be considered a fault.

Removal of the let rule in pickleball also helps to speed up the game, which is important for tournament play.

Preserving The Integrity of Pickleball

Ah, the great pickleball debate! Integrity is the backbone of any sport, and pickleball is no exception. So, what’s the fuss about the let rule? Well, it’s a bit of a pickle, to be honest.

Imagine this: you’ve been sweating it out, practicing for that big tournament. You’re on fire, and there’s no ref around. You serve, and boom! Your opponent calls it a “let.” Now, you’re stuck. Was it a genuine mistake or a sly move to throw you off?

Here’s the kicker. The let rule is like an open invitation to cheat. Sure, most players are honest, but it takes just one bad apple to spoil the bunch. So, what’s the solution? Nix the let rule. Yep, you heard me right. Get rid of it.

Why? Because it’s the only way to level the playing field. No let rule means no room for “accidental” or intentional cheating. You serve, it’s in or it’s out. Simple as that. No debates, no do-overs, and certainly no room for foul play.

By scrapping the let rule, we’re not just preserving the integrity of the game; we’re elevating it. We’re making sure that every serve, every point, and every game is as fair as it can be. And let’s face it, that’s what sportsmanship is all about, right?

So, let’s keep pickleball the fun, fair game we all love. After all, nobody wants to win by a fluke or lose to a cheat. It’s high time we close this loophole and keep the game honest.

Benefits of Removing the Let Rule

Are There Lets In Pickleball?

The removal of the let rule in pickleball has many benefits. Firstly, it limits the amount of debate that happens between players over whether a let should have been called or not. This can help to keep the game flowing and make sure everyone stays focused on playing rather than arguing.

It also helps to speed up the game as players no longer have to wait for a let request to be granted or denied. This can be especially useful in tournament play, where time limits are often imposed on matches. By removing the let rule, players can get straight back into the action and keep their game progressing at a steady pace.

Finally, it eliminates any potential abuse of the let rule that might occur if a player calls a let every time their shot goes out of bounds. This helps to ensure that the game is fair and that no player has an unfair advantage over another.
Overall, the removal of the let rule in pickleball can create a more efficient, enjoyable experience for all players involved. By understanding when and why it should be used, all players can benefit from its removal and enjoy a faster, fairer game of pickleball. These changes will help to create more clarity in the rules and keep everyone focused on playing their best.


In the end, the let service rule does not matter in the 2023 rule changes for pickleball. This is because the let service rule has been removed from the official rulebook, so players no longer have to worry about calling a let when their serve grazes the net or lands out of bounds. Players can now focus on playing without worrying about whether they should call a let or not.


  1. Are there any other special rules for pickleball?

    Yes, there are other special rules for pickleball. For instance, the Non-Volley Zone (NVZ) is a 7-foot area on either side of the net where players aren’t allowed to volley. There is also a rule about “carrying” or double-hitting the ball, which means that if you hit it twice in succession, without it bouncing in between, you will lose the point. Finally, the “hinder” rule states that players cannot obstruct an opponent’s shot

  2. Difference between Tennis vs Pickleball Let?

    The main difference between tennis and pickleball lets is that in tennis, a let will not stop playing if the ball touches the net. In pickleball, however, a let will be called and the point replayed if the serve grazes the net and lands in court.

  3. Why the pickleball let rule was removed?

    To reduce the amount of confusion and disruption to the game caused by players calling lets too often, To prevent players from taking advantage of the let rule by calling lets whenever their shot goes out of bounds, To speed up the game, which is especially important for tournament play.

  4. 2023 rule changes, does the Let Serve matter?

    A service let is not mentioned in the 2023 USA Pickleball Rulebook. Don’t be afraid to serve low and close to the net. Whatever happens, it’ll be legal!

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